Tuesday, 17 December 2013

How To Create an SEO Smart Blog Post

how to optimize blog post : How To Create an SEO Smart Blog Post

How to Create an SEO Smart Blog Post

To optimize your Home page and ensure your blog posts rank highly in the search engines, it is important to make sure your blog posts are keyword rich.

This handout and checklist were created to accompany the video tutorial in the pre-training and describes the 8 critical areas for leveraging keyword phrases in each individual blog post.

Each individual blog post should focus on only one primary keyword phrase. Ideally, the primary keyword phrase is determined from your keyword research and should be in the "sweet spot" you learned about at UIBC 1.0. Just be sure the keyword phrase used throughout your blog post EXACTLY matches the keyword phrase identified from your research.

Sweet Spot Keywords

Demand from greater or equal to 2,500 Global Monthly Searches

Supply on is less than or equal to 250,000 results

8 Steps to Creating an SEO Smart Blog Post

1. Keyword phrase in title.
2. Keyword phrase in first sentence and bolded.
3. Image in article with the keyword typed into the "Alt Text" field.
4. Keyword phrase in sentence as an H1.
5. Keyword phrase in a sentence as an H2.
6. Keyword phrase in italics.
7. Keyword phrase in a sentence as an H3.
8. Keyword phrase underlined and used in the last sentence.

As a general rule, you want to use the keyword phrase about every 125 to 150 words in your blog post. You don't want to artificially "stuff" the keyword phrase into the post. This will appear unnatural to your readers AND to Google and will hurt your search engine rankings.

To ensure each blog post is SEO smart and optimized for the search engines resulting in a higher ranking and more traffic to your site, please follow the step-by-step instructions on the following pages and then print and use the checklist each time you create a new blog post.