Saturday, 7 December 2013

Auto Blog Commenting and Social Bookmarking : Auto Blog Commenting and Social Bookmarking
Now you must have had a bit of success with the top three tools if you’re looking for more ways to outrank higher competition?
Perhaps you just want to dive right in, and diversify your SEO portfolio for even better SERPs
positions and more traffic.

Remember even with just the first tool5, you’ll be on the road to success with exponentially
growing search engine visibility and web traffic. The second tool6 just amps it up to make it go
lightning fast. However, I’m always looking for newer tools in which to re-invest to jack up my
profits even higher and faster.

Blog comments and social bookmarking are a great way to diversify your SEO portfolio and add
stability to your rankings. Manual blog commenting and social bookmarking are always the
safest way to go, but not always the fastest.

If you’re really at the point where you have enough sites making you money (or too many to do
this by hand), I would definitely say this auto blog commenting and social bookmarking software
is the next best investment for you.

If you are having great success without it, or you’re not having any success at all yet, I would
definitely wait to invest in this tool.

Blog commenting and social bookmarking shows Google that you are an active participant in
your niche. The more you do it, the more you appear as an authority in that niche. When Google
sees you as an authority in a niche, they won’t hesitate to help you get free traffic.

This seems like a lot of work for one website, but the trick is,once you find a niche you are passionate about, you create many satellite sites that point back to your main money site.
First, you want to focus on building your money site in a niche you are knowledgeable about or want to know more about. Second, you concentrate on getting traffic to your main site to see if it converts well (or makes you anymoney). Decide whether that site was worth the time and  effort.

If your main site is a raging success, you want to get even more free traffic to it right? That’s
when you start to build other sites in a relevant or supplemental niche that link back to your
main site. These are called satellite sites.

This method provides your main site with even more highquality and highly relevant backlinks that jack up your rankings, but it also gives you more human traffic which is ultimately what you want anyways.

You can also make money directly off of these satellite sites with affiliate offers, Google AdSense*, etc

Once you have multiple successful sites in a niche, you need to become the authority. This is
best done on autopilot, of course, just like your money-getting tactics. That’s where tool #5
comes into play.