Friday, 27 December 2013

How To Choose A Niche Keyword

how to find a niche keyword


Before you can actually get your domain and host it, you need to figure out what niche you want to cover. While you can cover broader topics as a whole, you need to strategically plan out and cover multiple related niches in order to dominate.


You may already have an idea of what you would like to cover and if not then now is the time to brainstorm some ideas. For this eBook, I’m going to cover blogs from the product scope, either solution oriented or problem oriented – each scope is going to require you to approach your keyword research slightly differently.


There are millions of people who use the net every day that have a problem, whether it would be insomnia, acne, thinning hair, or trying to lose weight.

The first part of this process is to think about your site’s focus. For each scope of a blog, there is going to be a different focal point. And when you learn to take the focal point and design the entire structure for the site, you can duplicate it for your next projects.

Your blog is all about insomnia and how to deal with it. You would have pages that talk about causes of insomnia and maybe how to mitigate those causes.

Following that, you would have a whole product line dedicated to curing insomnia, possibly including herbal remedies, over-the-counter pills, exercises, eBooks, or anything else you might find.

Finally, each solution to the problem could have a review written up for it, to show what the pros and cons of the solution would be – all leading to the ultimate goal: to sell a product.

Keyword Research Direction

You’re going to focus on providing people a resource set for sleeplessness and other related terms. You’re targeting people who can’t sleep for whatever reason. You can get into the causes later, but shoot for a general domain name that would encompass this concept or at least be very similar.

The people in this group are in the investigation phase, since they’re seeing what causes their problems. It’s up to you to convince them to buy one of your solutions you have on your site.

The idea isn’t that you would need to get an exact match for your niche keyword list; the pages you would create on your site would help you with your keyword placement. You want the pages to rest on a site that would make sense.

How To Find a Niche Keyword