Saturday, 23 August 2014

Learn About reCaptcha Technology

Learn About reCaptcha Technology

Before getting into the details, it's worth seeing a high-level overview of how reCAPTCHA works.
reCAPTCHA is a Web service, meaning that the CAPTCHA images are served directly from our servers to the end users. Below is the basic lifecycle of a reCAPTCHA challenge:
API diagram
  1. The user loads the web page with the reCAPTCHA challenge JavaScript embedded.
  2. The user's browser requests a challenge (an image with distorted text) from reCAPTCHA. reCAPTCHA gives the user a challenge and a token that identifies the challenge.
  3. The user fills out the web page form, and submits the result to your application server, along with the challenge token.
  4. reCAPTCHA checks the user's answer, and gives you back a response.
  5. If true, generally you will allow the user access to some service or information. E.g. allow them to comment on a forum, register for a wiki, or get access to an email address. If false, you can allow the user to try again.